It goes without saying that Quentin Tarantino has a great deal to answer for. Foremost among which is the popularity- or, at least, acceptability- of the meta-genre film. Initially propagated by Pulp Fiction, built upon far more crudely by Kill Bill, and expanded to absurdity levels with his homage to the video nasty generation with Grindhouse, Tarantino brazenly exploits exploitation cinema for cheap undergraduate irony. His collaborator, Robert Rodriguez, has to shoulder a share of the responsibility too. Not only did he create Planet Terror, but then went on to make a feeble film from one of Grindhouses many faux-trailers in Machete. It is, therefore, this pernicious example which has most recently been followed by
Jason Eisner, who has now expanded his own trailer for
Hobo With a Shotgun into an action film starring the enigmatic and iconic
Rutger Hauer. The film premiered at Sundance and, although reviews were mixed , both they- and its new theatrical trailer- imply a more substantive work than this particular cinema fad has hitherto provided. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzmpTG1CZzI The film is produced by Niv Fichman and Paul Gross among other fellow Canadians and will be released through Alliance Films and gets its US debut on April 1st with a European release following in early May.