TRANSFORMERS 3 will be shot in 3D, set pics, spy footage of a huge rig leaked

Michael Bay is a pathological liar. We all know that. So last year when he said;
"I think 3-D is going to be a fad. I personally don't like 3D. The glasses impair your peripheral vision. If the studios want to push any technology, it should be IMAX. That's much more immersive."
... we immediately came to the conclusion that Transformers 3 would be in 3D. Hell, it'll probably be called Transformers 3D. Not that Bay is likely to have had much choice in the decision. It's a studio requirement these days that a tentpole blockbuster must be shot in 3D and only a few helmers (Chris Nolan) will get away with rejecting the technology. What we didn't expect however is Paramount to actually go through the process of using 3D camera's (we thought the diet coke post-converted technology, ala Clash of the Titans, would be used) but Market Saw say otherwise;
"....Transformers has also signed on to shoot 3D throughout the film. I am working on a big Disney film but can€™t mention the name and are lining up five more films. Just wrapped on additional photography for 'Resident Evil' and 'Tron.' Currently in Hawaii and flying out to London for 'Hugo '.€
After the jump, images and vids from the Transformers 3 set; The fact they are actually going through the process of shooting with 3D camera's will be good news to someone, but not me. Nothing could get me in the theatre to see this. That 'big Disney film' in 'Hawaii' is clearly Pirates of the Caribben: On Stranger Tides. I don't want to spend much more time on Transformers 3 but whilst I'm here, Coming Soon have published half a dozen new images from the film, including shots of stars Shia LaBeouf and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley;

Harry Knowles has posted a spy video from the set of a massive rig. I just wonder though, with all the effort and planning that has clearly gone into building this set - who thinks that the frantic Michael Bay will use about 2 secs of it on film? Transformers 3 opens July 1st.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.