Transformers 5 Wishlist: 10 Things We Want To See

7. Starscream Returns

Transformers Dark Of The Moon StarscreamParamount PicturesAre we the only ones who are totally fed up of Megatron being the villain in these movies in some form or another? What about bringing back Starscream, a fan favourite Decepticon who proved himself to be a total bada** in the first two movies, only to be "killed" by Sam Witwicky and Lennox in Dark of the Moon in an infamously terrible scene. However, any Transformers fan worth their salt knows that G1 Starscream has an indesturctible Spark, meaning that he can never be completely destroyed, opening the door for a return in TF5, of course. One of the franchise's best Transformers deserves a better death than having his face blown off by a...human. If he's going to be dismantled, it needs to be at the hands of Optimus and no other. If Bay wants to keep things fresh and not bore us with more Megatron, bringing back Starscream would be a great way to do that.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.