Transformers: Age Of Extinction - 10 Awful Michael Bay Trademarks We Don't Want

7. Female Objectification00932 Let's face it €“ Michael Bay doesn't know how to treat women, and I'm not just saying this because he unceremoniously threw Megan Fox out of the Transformers franchise without even the smallest grace. The female characters in his films are usually more objectified than the surrounding flora and fauna. The only reason anyone remembers Megan Fox from the first Transformers film is because of the really, really short shorts that she wore. All she had to do was run around Shia as he and the machines save the world from annihilation. In short, the film would've lost absolutely nothing even if she'd been absent; and that's really saying something for someone who's supposed to be a protagonist of sorts. And such uncaring treatment of women is deeply entrenched in most his films. Liv Tyler only sits around and sighs as the boys go around having adventures in space in Armageddon. And that Rosie woman was merely present to stand and look pretty throughout the film without having any involvement in the scheme of things. And though she managed the job splendidly well owing the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show experience that she has, it's a shame, because women, quite simply, are worth more than that.


I'm Saahil from India and no, I don't own an elephant. I write. I think P. G. Wodehouse might just be the greatest author of all times. Manhattan was definitely Woody Allen's masterpiece (yes, over Annie Hall). The Shawshank Redemption is overrated. I love debating. I've always dreamed of shooting zombies with a sawed-off during an apocalypse. I own a dog. The Sixth Sense was a fluke. Sheldon Cooper is probably the worst TV character right now. I play table tennis. I am socially awkward. I don't know how to end this. My editor's probably going to cream me for this. But, whatever.