TROPIC THUNDER retains top spot!

Just ahead of THE HOUSE BUNNY & DEATH RACE and THE ROCKER totally bombs!

Tropic Thunder made it two weeks on top this weekend, pushing aside newcomers The House Bunny and Death Race in the box office stakes. Ben Stiller's ensemble war comedy added another $16.1 million to it's now $65.7 million haul, ever closing to it's $92 million budget. 1 Tropic Thunder (2008) $16.1M $65.7M 2 The House Bunny (2008) $15.1M $15.1M 3 Death Race (2008) $12.3M $12.3M 4 The Dark Knight (2008) $10.3M $489M 5 Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) $5.66M $25M 6 Pineapple Express (2008) $5.6M $73.9M 7 Mirrors (2008) $4.88M $20.1M 8 The Longshots (2008) $4.3M $4.3M 9 Mamma Mia! (2008) $4.3M $124M 10 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008) $4.07M $93.8M Only just missing out on first place was The House Bunny, the latest Anna Faris comedy which fell short of Thunder by $1 million, despite winning the opening day battle on Friday. It still ended up with the best per theatre average of the weekend and it's still a good taking for a movie made for just $25 million and toplined by Faris in a non Scary Movie. Paul W.S. Anderson's awful looking and scathingly reviewed Death Race only managed $12.3 million, WELL short of it's $43 million opening. It's the director's lowest opening film in 10 years (though remember he usually adapts popular video game franchises which already have a built in audience) and for Jason Statham it's another modest opening for an actor who has never crossed $20 million for an opening weekend (though The Italian Job and The One came very close at $19 million+). Still taking in double figure numbers, The Dark Knight took home $10.3 million in it's sixth weekend and should hit $500 million by next Monday. Only Titanic has ever passed that figure domestically since records began... what an incredible achievement from Christopher Nolan, his actors & crew and Warner Bros. marketing. The other new releases didn't make much of a dent at the box office. The Longshots, the latest Ice Cube comedy opened to just $4.3 million AND the mega bomb was Rainn Wilson's The Rocker which didn't even make the top 10 despite playing on MORE SCREENS THAN ANY NEW RELEASE this weekend. A horrendous looking comedy which was School of Rock without a cent of sugar. Maybe it was too early for Wilson to try and lead a movie or maybe he should have chosen his leading man debut a little wiser. And finally Star Wars: The Clone Wars dropped 60% from it's terrible opening weekend to a $5.6 million taking, leaving it at $25 million after 10 days. source - coming soon


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.