True Story Of The Best Superman Movies Never Made

3. Batman V Superman

Nicholas Cage Superman Lives
Warner Bros.

Ever since 2016, you hear the words Batman V Superman and you can't help but wince. Everything from the utter waste of Batman's DCEU introduction, the poor story, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, and the whole 'Martha' scene are reason enough to want to forget the movie ever happened, but there was a time that fans could have had a much different movie.

That's certainly not to say that the Batman V Superman script penned by Akiva Goldsman was anything close to perfect, but there was enough in there to produce something different, and at least interesting. The script had its fair share of issues, which is rightly or wrongly to be expected coming from the writer of both Batman Forever and Batman and Robin, but let's focus on what would have made this a better movie than what we got in 2016.

The story certainly would have been unique to say the least. Middle-aged Batman, played by Colin Farrell no less, had already lost Alfred, Jim Gordon, and Dick Grayson, and eventually saw his wife killed seemingly by the same criminal Superman, played by Jude Law, failed to apprehend. Thus began their battle.

It's the bones of the admittedly convoluted story, but throw in the fact that the Joker was behind everything and you have the potential for a compelling movie. Who wouldn't take the gamble of picking something like this over the hot mess that was Batman V Superman?


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.