Updated: Go Team Flanigan! Less than an hour after we contacted
Joe Flanigan's LA agency yesterday, asking if the 'Atlantis' star would like to play Nathan Drake, the actor
responded on twitter writing:
"I would love to play Nathan Drake! And I'm damn good at the game too!"
He follows
Nathan Fillion in using the social networking service to state his interest in the role. Since that "tweet" Flanigan has been bombarded with messages from fans voicing their support, retweeting one "Flanigan for Nathan Drake" message and adding "LET'S MAKE THIS HAPPEN!" Now both veteran tv sci-fi actors have rallied their troops via twitter and the race is on. Tweet them your support (and tell them
@owfilm sent you). Also: keep giving us your thoughts below! Original Story Follows; Earlier this week
it was reported that
David O Russell is set to helm a feature film adaptation of the PlayStation video game
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. Casting is still up in the air, however, with this writer suggesting in that earlier news item that
Nathan Fillion of Firefly fame would be perfect for the role. Well it seems he agrees with me. Fillion (as reported by
Eurogamer) has since
tweeted a rallying cry to his army of fans in reference to playing Drake:
"If ever there was a Twitter campaign, let this be it. Rise, ye Browncoats. Rise, ye Castillions. RISE!"
Apparently Browncoats are Firefly fans, whilst Castillions are fans of his current show Castle which airs on ABC in the states. But will this call to arms amount to anything? He certainly has a loyal and vocal fanbase. But there is something of a sci-fi fan war emerging (if only on
the forum here at Obsessed with Film) as a number of people have declared their love for Stargate Atlantis lead
Joe Flanigan, suggesting that the role should be his. Flanigan is another excellent choice: a handsome wise-cracker who is more than a punchable pretty boy. But has the same problems as Fillion too: an unknown in the movies and, at 43, is actually a bit older than the 39 year old Fillion.

Hopefully studio execs will put faith in one of them as both are really exciting candidates for the role. In the meantime: are you on Team Nathan or Team Joe? Or are you backing another surprise contender? Wahlberg? Worthington? LaBeouf? Let us know!