Uncharted Movie: 8 Characters That MUST Appear

1. Elena Fisher

Uncharted movie nadine
Naughty Dog

Without mincing words, or putting too fine a point on things, it would be nothing short of an utter disgrace if an Uncharted movie was made without including Elena Fisher. She is as integral to the franchise as either Nate or Sully, and should not be left out at all.

In the games she is brought into Nate’s life when her production company funded his trip to Panamanian waters in pursuit of Francis Drake’s coffin. Since then, she has been a huge part of Drake’s life, has been ever-present in all four of the main series games, and eventually started a family with him.

The film makers have seemingly chosen to utilise Chloe Frazer as Nate and Sully’s third in this particular story, which in itself isn’t particularly bad, as she is a wonderful character in her own right, but she can’t be there instead of Elena. She has to be there as well as.

Whether this takes the form of something of a rivalry like in Among Thieves, or they are on the same page, whether Elena is new to Drake’s life or has known him for a while, she simply has to appear. Her absence would arguably piss fans off more than anything else.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.