Unfortunately, The Batman WON'T Be Set Entirely Inside Arkham Asylum
Well, there goes THAT great idea...

Since it has apparently now been semi-confirmed by SCOOPERS in the know, Ben Affleck's The Batman will be set at least partly in Arkham Asylum, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, it won't be set ENTIRELY within there, which is less of a good thing.
The Wrap's Umberto Gonzalez took to his Twitter to confirm as much on Batman Day this weekend, despite the slightly older rumour that it would be set there.
Everyone, after me: boooooooooooo!
It was a solid gold idea and a way to make Batman much more personal than the shapeless, personality-free dirge of the DCEU so far. Let's just hope the idea they've got to replace it is better.
What Warner Bros and Affleck should have done is gone for a Die Hard/Batman feel within Arkham Asylum. Have Batman become the prey, rather than the hunter and see how he does when he's a rat trapped up a pipe. That would have been a far more compelling idea than another Batman v An Equally Powerful Foe (like Deathstroke), since we've literally JUST had that.
Anyway, what do I know, right?