Vanilla Sky Ending: Every Frame Explained

1. The Enduring Mysteries

Vanilla Sky
Paramount Pictures

And while we've covered just about every major image featured in the montage, there are a few that still elude any sort of concrete meaning, so let's run down the most striking and mysterious remaining images.

First up is a period image of a train with "Pennsylvania" painted on the side. A childhood memory of David's, perhaps? Elsewhere there's the glimpse of a beautiful woman laughing - possibly one of David's former lovers, or more innocently, a friend or relative?

Vanilla Sky
Paramount Pictures

Then there's this picture of a happy couple, which going by the palm trees we can assume might be enjoying their honeymoon or some similar celebration. Guesses on a postcard...

Vanilla Sky
Paramount Pictures

As much as this image seems like it might be taken from a classic movie or album cover, the film's credits don't provide any concrete indication as to the source:

Vanilla Sky
Paramount Pictures

Whether this is a picture of an actress from classic cinema or simply a picture of someone known to Crowe, Cruise, or another member of the production, who's to know?

Vanilla Sky
Paramount Pictures

And finally, this appears to be either a commercial or an album cover, though our research didn't pull up anything convincing. If you know anything about these lingering, fascinating images, do let us know.

Vanilla Sky
Paramount Pictures

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.