Vanilla Sky Ending: Every Frame Explained

15. Mothers & Fathers

Vanilla Sky
Paramount Pictures

It's made succinctly clear that David has a wealth of daddy issues, and so it's not terribly surprising that the sequence also contains a number of flashes of parental figures.

For starters, Crowe includes an image of a man who is clearly one of his own ancestors (above) - presumably his father - while Cruise also agreed to include home video footage of his parents:

Vanilla Sky
Paramount Pictures

In an attempt to fuse fact with fiction, there are also reminders of David's father's legacy, particularly the cover of his dad's book entitled "Defending the Kingdom":

Vanilla Sky
Paramount Pictures

And of course, who can forget the sublimely creepy painting of David's father (below) which is left hanging in David's apartment? Fun fact: David's dad was played by Robert Rauschenberg, an American painter and graphic artist.

Vanilla Sky
Paramount Pictures

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.