Venom 2: 10 Things We Want To See
More She-Venom in Tom Hardy's sequel, please.

Tom Hardy’s Venom film was a huge roll of the dice for Sony that has surprisingly paid off very well. The astonishing box office success of the Spider-Man villain's record-smashing first solo endeavor has got the ball rolling on Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters and a sequel has officially been confirmed.
Kelly Marcel, who wrote the original script is officially back on board to give us another chapter in the Venom saga. And after witnessing the post credit scene it seems she will be writing an adventure for the famous antihero that deals with some serious Carnage and open up an even larger universe.
There were some great things accomplished in the first film, but there are many improvements that could be made and will hopefully be taken into consideration for the highly anticipated follow-up.
If Sony wants to keep their shared universe going, they need to give the fans the movie they deserve. So in order not to make the same mistakes twice, here is a list of certain things the next installment could focus on to make the Venom sequel both a critical and box office success.
10. Stronger Character Motivation

Venom has a multi-layered character arc in the comics that gets condensed into one movie that isn't very satisfying for both hardcore fans and casual moviegoers alike. This leaves the epic storyline of how Brock and the symbiote come together feeling very muddled and rushed, something that never bodes well when adapting an iconic comic.
Furthermore, the viewer never truly understands why Venom becomes so attached to Eddie. We do get a brief indication with Venom unveiling he is also a loser, but that still didn't feel like enough of a reason for an alien to trade a delicious pancreas for cold tater tots.
The character's motivations abruptly change from alien looking to devour all humans insight into someone who wants to save the world. This seemingly rash choice inevitably results in the symbiote choosing mankind over its own species. This is a decision that most stories would have allotted a good amount of time to explain but in this film gets reduced to a few lines of dialogue that feels a bit jarring.
A sequel would provide a great opportunity to flush out some of Venom's motivation and better establish how he makes the change of heart.