Want To Hear The Deleted Scenes Too Dark Even For Deadpool?

Catch them on the upcoming Blu-ray release.

Deadpool Explicit

Following on from Deadpool director Tim Miller's breakdown of the Deadpool deleted scenes in an interview with Collider, a new interview with IGN, featuring Miller along with producer Simon Kinberg, writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, and star Ed Skrein sheds more light on the movie's darkest - and unseen - moments.

Simon Kinberg kicks off the interview with a discussion about Wade's "cancer tour" sequence:

"There was a sequence in the movie when Wade gets cancer. Where he and Vanessa go on what they jokingly, darkly call the cancer world tour, to try to find a cure for it. And they end up in sort of their darkest moment in this shitty clinic in Guadalajara with a doctor who is a charlatan. Wade realises that and ends up in a very brutal and dramatic and cool way killing him and he and Vanessa split up in that moment of Wade realising that he is in some ways a monster who can't be with this woman.€

Rhett Reese sheds some light on the difficult process of balancing the tone of a film with exceptional performances, praising the film's star for his range. "When you watch the deleted scene you'll see some phenomenal acting on Ryan's part and you'll see a moment of true pathos as he loses his temper and ends up killing this con-man.€


As Rhett's co-writer Paul Wernick elaborates, making such decisions in a movie with so much dark comedy is all about keeping momentum and pace:

€œThere's this stretch of movie when he's in the workshop, when Deadpool's in the workshop, that gets very dark, and we wanted to go in and out of those scenes. In and out of that darkness, and not undercut the humour and we felt that perhaps that gruesome Guadalajara scene was just a bridge too far."

Despite being one of the most violent comic book movies ever made (and certainly the most violent Marvel adaptation), there was such a thing as taking it too far, as the discussion about an extended fight scene between Wade Wilson and Ajax (Ed Skrein) highlights. Skrein discusses the fight scene - in which he fights a naked Wade, systemmatically breaking him down - and how the final cut veers away from the original intended choreography:

"I do the suplex and stuff, I come in and start breaking him down and they took out quite a lot of beats because it was just horrific. Literally I'm breaking wrists, shoulders, jaws, and it was pretty hardcore. It did make me laugh that they chose not to put that in because they thought it was too far. And I thought 'How can you go too far in a movie like Deadpool?'€

Ending the interview on a much lighter note and the discussion turns to jokes which were too taboo to be included in the final cut. While Reese explains they were eager to write jokes which were "just shy of objectionable" (it's fair to say they treaded the line effectively in that regard), one joke was apparently beyond the pale. Reese elaborated, €œYeah we had an Edward James Olmos joke that was bizarrely in there at one point that we just thought was just too mean.€

Exactly what this joke was remains to be seen.


Deadpool is available now in the US and will be released on Blu-ray/DVD in the UK on June 4th.

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