War in Heaven - The Next 300?
are claiming that the success of 300 has sparked a flurry of movie studio's vying to find that hidden gem graphic novel that could make them a fortune. I would argue that this movement really started with Sin City two years ago, which was the catalyst for V for Vendetta and now 300. There's little doubt in my mind that 300 wouldn't have been made if Sin City hadn't been a success. Nevertheless, The site is reporting that an upcoming comic series titled War in Heaven has the major comic book publishers fighting over the rights for the project before it even hits the shelves. The big news though is that a movie adaptation has already been picked up by Trac 2 Media. It has been dubbed "the next 300" and has the following, intruiging plot... The details of the story are guarded, but we know that War in Heaven centers on a Braveheart-like storyline that ultimately follows Lucifer as he leads a rebellion in Heaven. Battle sequences shows legions of Angels, including Gabriel and Michael, battling with their brother Lucifer and his army of fallen Angels. On the left there is some artwork promo from artist Tony Harris, which you can enlarge by clicking on the image. Well it pretty much sounds too awesome for words. We'll be keeping a very close eye on this one as it develops. source - iesb, filmstalker