Warcraft Review – 4 Ups And 6 Downs
Still waiting on that great video game movie.

You know those videos where some enterprising YouTuber takes all the cutscenes from a game and edits them together into a movie, except theres massive gaps where the gameplay would be, so everything's reliant on in-the-moment-randomness and ultimately makes no sense? A lets play without the play, essentially? Well thats what Warcraft is.
It's a confusing, empty film and, while it may not be quite as damnable as some are making out (it's no 2016 companion to Fant4stic or anything), it's a pretty resounding disappointment whatever your thoughts going into it.
The advertising didn't do much to instil faith, but I really wanted this one to be good. Its Duncan Jones. High-fantasy deserves better than all the Rings rip-offs since 2003. This year has already had its fair share of duds. But most of all, we need that break-out video game movie that doesnt suck and, while this tried hard, its flopped. Lets not get to the end of year and have Angry Birds (which is totally serviceable, even if its plot is garbage btw) be the best we could do. Its all up to you Fassbender.
But while we wait for Assassin's Creed, let's take a look back over Warcraft and look at the four ups and six downs from the much belated WoW movie.