A new trailer has surfaced on
Allocine for the Luc Besson produced movie Lock-Out featuring some recogniable faces including Guy Pearce (L.A. Confidential, The Kings Speech) and Peter Stomare (The Big Lebowski, Armageddon) and perhaps taking the award for 'The Most Outrageous & Ludicrous Movie To Not Star Nicolas Cage Award of 2012'. Ridiculously titled M.S. One: Maximum Security outside of the U.S. (seriously), the futuristic sci-fi trailer comes across like "Escape From New York set in space", with Guy Pearce as a wrongfully arrested convict sent to the titular space station/prison to rescue the American President's daughter when a mass breakout occurs. Lost's Maggie Grace plays the kidnapped daughter and for whatever reason Luc Besson likes to make movies where she is kidnapped (see Taken, also produced by Luc Besson's Europacorp) and she is getting herself typecast in the worst possible way. The real talking point of the trailer is Guy Pearce seemingly doing his best to channel John McClane's knack for chewing scenery and clearly deciding that if he is gonna be in one of these movies, he is gonna go all out and not hold anything back with the crazy! Watch it below... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ-9a_30wRQ&feature=player_embedded#! The film is directed by first time feature helmers James Mather (cinematographer on Adam and Paul, and several episodes of t.v. show Cold Feet) and Stephen St. Ledger. The script is written by themselves and Besson. Lock-Out (or M.S. One: Maximum Security overseas) is released in February in Europe, and April in the U.S.