The film is only a week old in the U.S. and only opens in the U.K. today but you can see the final scene from Captain America: The First Avenger here, along with post-credits tease for The Avengers.

In one the more surprising marketing moves we've seen in a long time, Paramount Pictures and Marvel Studios have officially released a condensed version of the very final scene from Captain America: The First Avenger, a film which is barely a week old. In fact, the movie only opens in the U.K. today and I'm off to see it myself in just a few hours so I won't be watching this below. I'm not sure what purpose the video serves when it's such a gigantic spoiler and it won't at all be interesting to those who have already made the decision to see Captain America over the next few weeks and those who have already seen the film will have seen it already. So I'm not sure what they are gaining here? Who is this for exactly? Does spoiling the last scene of a movie really strike you as the best way to get people into the theatre? Hey maybe I'm wrong. 396 people have already liked the video on Coming Soon so it must be doing something for someone. The footage supposedly also has a portion of the post-credits tease for next May's ensemble The Avengers but again... not sure why leaking that online is going to help anything.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.