Wes Anderson: 10 Film Scenes To Admire

7. Sam Meets Suzy - Moonrise Kingdom

During a church production of 'Noye's Fludde', Khaki scout Sam (Jared Gilman) walks out of the audience, wanders the corridors and winds up in the girls' dressing room. It is here that he meets Suzy (Kara Hayward), a similarly troubled twelve-year old who is preparing to go onstage. Singling out Suzy from a gaggle of girls sitting before a mirror, Sam looks at her costume and asks ''What kind of bird are you?'' ''I'm a raven,'' Suzy flatly replies. They then simply stare at each other in an awkward cross between curiosity and attraction, before Sam is shooed away by one of the organisers. They've barely met and now they've been forced apart. Fortunately, after the performance, Suzy finds Sam sitting forlornly on the bus and passes him a note with her address on and the instruction 'Write to me'. Almost immediately, the precocious pair begins an exchange of handwritten letters, detailing their plan to run away to an idyllic beach hideaway known only to them as Moonrise Kingdom. What makes this scene so charming is how quickly it establishes these star-crossed lovers; the blunt, bumbling scout and the moody, mysterious raven.

Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.