I hadn't planned on seeing
The Green Hornet this weekend in all honesty. There's just nothing good I can say about what director
Michel Gondry, co-screenwriter & actor
Seth Rogen or the Sony marketing machine have presented me that has had any effect on my senses to make me wanna drop down my £'s. Especially when there's one of 2010's best in
Blue Valentine and the well-acted
Conviction also out in U.K. cinema's today, I would suggest my money was better off spent elsewhere. The whole marketing of The Green Hornet was aimed at 'What would happen if a rich Seth Rogen became a superhero' and if you read
Roger Ebert's pan today, that sounds about right. But then, it is The Green Hornet, the title SHOULD be enough to get me into theatres and then there's
our very own reviewer Mike Edwards who gave it a loving review this week. Me and Mike see eye-to-eye most of the time on movies... so I just don't know what to think. So help me out guys. I want this to be our feedback post on The Green Hornet, and you will likely see this article float in and out of the top spot this weekend.
FEEDBACK: If you've seen the movie and enjoyed or hated it... or the movie looks so bad you're avoiding it like the plague... leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. Go as in-depth as you like...