What Does The Ending Of Black Panther Really Mean?

2. The Soul Stone Is Still Not Accounted For

Infinity War Thanos
Marvel Studios

Given how close we are to Infinity War, it's a little strange that we haven't yet seen all of the Infinity Stones revealed, so it's not at all shocking that a lot of people assumed we'd see the final stone - the Soul Stone - revealed in Black Panther.

It would have fitted the wider MCU narrative nicely for the Stone to have been revealed as within the Vibranium meteorite and giving the ore - and indeed the mystical Heart Shaped Herb - its powers. But they didn't go in that direction and for now we're still waiting to see where it will turn up.

Does this mean we won't see the Soul Stone in Wakanda in Infinity War? Possibly, but there's definitely a nagging feeling that the link to the Heart Shaped Herb's powers to connect Black Panther to his ancestors is too fitting to ignore.

If they don't use that link, they best have an even better idea to bring the Stone in...

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Black Panther
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