What Does The Ending Of Blair Witch Really Mean?

The Oversaturation Of Technology

Blair Witch Lisa

The original Blair Witch Project came at a time where having a single video camera was rather novel, but its sequel hits when oversaturation of technology is the topic of the day. Heck, within reach of me right now I have two devices that can do everything involved in the production of The Blair Witch Project.

As such, there's a lot of different recording devices in Blair Witch: earpieces, SD cameras, tape cameras, drones, each with their own distinct shooting style and picture grain.

The film simply lets these elements be for much of the runtime, itself a reminder of how blaze we are about major technological leaps, only really drawing attention to it when we have multiple feeds to choose from. In the campsite scenes there can be as many as seven angles, and the film cuts frantically between them all as confrontations arise. It's a disorientating effect, and while Wingard doesn't push the theme through fully to conclusion, it does see him pass comment on the sheer amount of recordings we have in 2016.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.