What Does The Ending Of Doctor Strange Really Mean?

1. ...And Infinity War

Avengers Infinity War
Marvel Studios

Right at the end, having put paid to Kaecilius' nefarious plans for Earth, Doctor Strange returns the Eye Of Agamotto to Kamar-Taj, where Wong says it's a smart move, since he shouldn't be walking around with an Infinity Stone around his neck. Clearly he knows something of Thanos' desire for them (or at least the underlying possibility that someone or something will always be seeking the Stones to unify their powers).

So, that's the long-awaited, and much-expected confirmation that the Eye is in fact the Time Stone, and that at some point in Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos will turn up in Kamar-Taj to claim it for himself. However that works out logistically, it's also confirmation that Strange himself will appear in Infinity War (which again was expected, but it's nice to have it mapped out now). Obviously, this is how he becomes affiliated with the Avengers - though again, there's no saying he will join up yet.

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