What Does The Ending Of Enemy Really Mean?

8. What Happens?

Enemy Spider Ending

The film's third act kicks into gear when Anthony stalks Adam's girlfriend Mary (Mélanie Laurent), and subsequently plots to have sex with her.

Anthony accuses Adam of sleeping with his heavily pregnant wife Helen (Sarah Gadon), before bullishly insisting that Adam swap places with him for the weekend, so Anthony can have sex with Mary and "even things out".

Anthony also vows to leave Adam's life after the weekend, so Adam complies with his request. However, Adam then decides to visit Anthony's apartment and take his place in return.

Though Helen appears to either not notice or not care about the switch, Mary notices the wedding ring mark on Anthony's finger, inciting an intense argument. As Anthony drives her home, the argument continues and the car violently crashes, presumably killing them both.

The final scene has Adam, still in Anthony's place, opening a letter containing a key which grants him access to the underground sex club Anthony is shown visiting at the very start of the film.

As Adam talks to Helen, he enters the bedroom to continue the conversation, only to be greeted by a gigantic tarantula, seemingly backed against the wall in fear. After a beat, Adam sighs and the film ends.

Enemy Jake Gyllenhaal
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.