What Does The Ending Of Enemy Really Mean?

5. Depression Is Key

Enemy Jake Gyllenhaal

By far the most common symptom of multiple personality disorder is depression, and there are number of hints throughout the film that Adam is depressed, which bolsters the notion that Anthony is a competing personality.

For starters, Villeneuve and cinematographer Nicolas Bolduc opted for an offputting, almost jaundiced visual style, quite literally shooting the film through a lens detached from reality, which can metaphorically reflect Adam's own depressed view of the world, where everything looks more drab than in actuality.

In more palpable terms, the first minute of the film sees Adam talking to his mother on the phone, who says, "I'm worried about you. How can you live like that?" and is clearly concerned about her son. When talking to a co-worker about movies, Adam even says "I could do with something cheerful" when asking for a recommendation.

It's made abundantly clear throughout the film that Adam is restless and dissatisfied with his work, intimate relationships and family life, the result of which has at least partly contributed to the onset of his depression and ultimately his split personality disorder.

There's one aspect of Adam and Anthony's lives that seems to differ significantly, though, and this may be the primary anguish responsible for the internal conflict...

Enemy Jake Gyllenhaal
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.