What If The Hunger Games Was Darker?

In conclusion a dark €˜Hunger Games€™ would have been taboo but also could have reached the audience on more levels. Though there can be no debate, it wouldn€™t have been the most financially rewarding venture and could have isolated a lot of potential audience members. Obviously it made sense to revise elements of the book to make it as accessible to the film watchers as possible, I don€™t think this diminished the structure of the book and the film was successful in keeping true to the major themes. Tweets from the official €˜Hunger Games€™ twitter page is that the Blu-ray will be a 15 certificate and that it will feature scenes that were left on the cutting room floor that brought down the rating. I€™m really looking forward seeing what developments this brings and if it changes the context of parts of film. I wonder if it syncs the darker nature of the upcoming sequels. In any case the DVD and Blu-ray it will be available from the 3rd of September but you can pre-order a copy now.

Former projectionist, I've worked on the television show Looking for Lowry & film 51 Degrees. Published poet. Reviewer For @whatculture & Princes Trust Youth Ambassador. Check out my blog here - http://su.pr/1rNyQQ