What Tim Burton’s Batman Forever Would Have Looked Like

2. Brad Dourif As The Scarecrow

Brad Dourif As Billy Bibbit One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
United Artists

While some will say that too many villains can spoil a movie just as badly as too many cooks spoil the broth, Burton had intended to use quite a few, with Brad Dourif also considered to play The Scarecrow.

The actor - who is probbaly best known now for playing Wormtongue in The Lord Of The Rings movies - had made a name for himself playing slightly off-kilter characters like Billy Bibbit in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and voicing Chucky in Child's Play.

Given those roles, he would have made for a great Scarecrow (certainly better than Nic Cage, who could have played him in Batman Unchained). And as Dourif says, he would have been cast had the studio not taken a dislike to the idea:

"Tim Burton saw me on a plane and wanted to cast me and [Warner Bros.] said no.”

So why didn't we get to see this version of Batman III?


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