What Went Wrong: 13 Disastrous Comic Book Movies (And Why They Sucked)

11. Too Many Writers, Not Enough Good Writing - Catwoman

Halle Berry Catwoman
Warner Bros.

The belated spin-off for Catwoman - which was initially in development when Batman Forever came out - is a joke. There's no two ways about it. It's fatally boring, provocatively dumb and utterly terrible.

The Cause

The decision to go with a less Burton-esque movie was the first error, which came out of the fact that the first script was turned in the day Batman Forever came out. Emboldened by that film's initial response, Warner Bros were never going to go back to something as dark as Batman Returns, so the film was shelved.

Eventually, it came to be this version, with Halle Berry in the lead. But it was the talent behind the scenes that was lacking most - and particularly in the writing room. Allegedly, as many as 28 writers worked on the script and yet none could muster up more than a couple of good lines, and when you have that many brains working against each other, it's no wonder it's a mess.

Spare a thought too for the person who thought that costume - which was revealed pre-release to raucous laughter - was a good idea.

How Disastrous Was It?

Well, Catwoman failed to make any money, is still the laughing stock of DC comic book movies and a low-point for Berry so bad that it threatened to kill her career entirely. She may have laughed it off at the Razzies, but it was no small misstep.


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