With the British indie film scene on the rise, March 2012 sees the release of one of its most intriguing and successful stories to date, that being the genre mash up Whatever Happened To Pete Blaggit?, hailed as Shaun Of The Dead meets Donnie Darko. Pete Blaggit (Rob Leetham) who shoots wedding videos with his brother Eugene (comedian Andy Pandini) and friend Clive (Coronation Street's Adam Rickitt) leads a miserable existence, living with his ex-wife (co-producer Gabrielle Amies) and watching much happier couples have the best day of their lives over and over. Well its slowly killing the man, and the alcohol doesnt help. When he thinks his life just cant get any worse Pete is thrown into a dark, twisted adventure, encountering alien abductions, time travel and a seedy criminal underworld. Will all this change his simple life for the better or will Pete Blaggit stay the same worthless soul hes always been? Directed by Mark Jeavons (also the writer and co-producer) Pete Blaggit took over 4 years to make. It was shot on super 16mm film the old school way with an initial budget of 30k which ended up closer to 60k. Jeavons the driven filmmaker he is maxed out 12 credit cards in the process, ala his hero Kevin Smith (as he did with Clerks). Working with Charlie Bluett (of the Doctor Who sfx team) the crew created some great monsters for the film and Pete Blaggit provides some genuine scares and laughs to boot, winning some impressive awards on the festival circuit (Best Feature Film at the British Independent Film festival 2011, the Platinum Reel Award at Nevada Film festival and an honourable mention at the LA Movie awards) Pete Blaggit is out on DVD March 26th, just months after news of their selection at the Boston Sci-fi Film Festival, genre fans watch this space!