WHO has joined G.I. JOE?

G.I. JOE began filming yesterday (or will begin tomorrow according to some sites) but one guy who wasn't present to shoot was British theatre actor David Murray, who was due to play Destro but suffered some Visa issues which he couldn't resolve in time to begin work. Paramount were said to be pissed because they were impressed by the talent of Murray and they were banking on the actor to breakthrough in the industry with this movie. They were forced to re-cast very late in the day and you gotta admire who they picked... former Dr. Who and Heroes star Christopher Eccleston. I can't say I know much about Murray, but as an outsider looking in I'm far happier that an actor with experience and talent that I know of like Eccleston is on board than some guy I've only heard is a good actor.

source - iesb

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.