Who Made Infinity Stones In MCU?

7. The Reality Stone

Avengers Inify
Marvel Studios

Much like the Space Stone, the Reality Stone has shown that it’s host is kind of an idiot on a cosmic scale. Debuting in Thor: The Dark World, the Reality Stone takes the form of a kind of crimson liquid known as the ‘Aether’. It’s seen to date back to the days before Odin, where the father of All-Fathers is waging a war against the Dark Elves.

Dating back to a time before the beginning of the universe, the Dark Elves and their leader, Malekith, loathed all of creation and wished to annihilate it. They aimed to do so with the Aether, and whether they were aware of it’s true nature or not is never revealed. Given their use of it though it might be safe to say they weren’t.

After all, the Reality Stone has the ability to alter the very state of reality itself, whereas Malekitch seemed to use it as nothing more than a power up. In terms of 'changing reality' it could be said that the Aether created the rocks that transformed the Dark Elves into 'Kursed'; as it would alter their state in reality.

In the comics its application has seen Thanos drive The Collector mad (who, remember, is an Elder of the Universe) and has often been described as considerably more potent than even Cosmic Cubes. The Cosmic Cubes have popped up in the comics plenty of times, such as when one gained sentience and restructured Steve Rodgers’ entire life memories, so yeah, they’re pretty impressive.

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A twenty something writer who loves gaming, reading and spiced rum.