Why Argylle Just Flopped

7. The Obnoxious Marketing Campaign

Marketing is everything where successful movies are concerned, and this is perhaps the area that hobbled Argylle's box office potential the most.

Just a single main trailer was made for the movie and has been placed in front of most every major release over the last few months, which combined with its gratingly obnoxious style, bevy of bad CGI, and trying-too-hard "look how crazzzzy we are" tone, evidently turned audiences off long before the film came out.

Ultimately the marketing made the film look like a garish, unfocused mess, and paired with the trailer's excessive presence made it something of a meme for folks to mock online, but not to actually watch in cinemas.

One of the better lessons learned since the pandemic is to give movies shorter marketing tails, and so by sandblasting audiences with the same annoying Argylle trailer for four straight months straight, the studios set themselves up to fail.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.