Why Captain Marvel Is Going To Be A Very Different MCU Movie

4. It'll Be The Final Project Before 2019's Avengers Film

Infinity War Gauntlet Thanos
Marvel Studios

Marvel have a funny way of making things work, don't they?

First we were certain that Infinity War would be split into two parts, ala Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Twilight. Then we were told that Part II wouldn't actually be called 'Part II' and would instead remain untitled until such a time that Marvel could disclose otherwise, and now we know Captain Marvel is set in between both of them.

We're still yet to receive concrete confirmation as to which Avengers film the Captain will actually be in (my guess is that it's the latter), but it looks as though her film will be directly wedded to the heavily ambitious Marvel project, which would make sense, given the character's cosmic roots.

It's another case of the title's setting exemplifying its importance, and indeed, an indication of just how long the event has been in the making. It looks increasingly likely that, despite only receiving an introduction as early as next year, the Captain will have a massive part to play in the unmaking of Thanos' plans, especially if the body count is as high as Mark Ruffalo suggests.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.