Why Captain Marvel Will Forever Change The MCU

3. The Story Changes Everything

Captain Marvel The Skrulls

There's also the distinct possibility that Captain Marvel is going to completely change the narrative approach to the MCU in two different ways.

Firstly, we're going to see a whole new approach to the superhero origin story. Instead of us seeing a "normal person" being empowered or a being from another world coming to Earth to interact with humans, we're going to see what amounts to a detective story. According to the first trailer, Marvel will arrive on Earth having been body-snatched and shorn of her memories as Carol Danvers.

That suggests we're going to see a superhero trying to find out who she was before her empowerment, sort of like an origin story in reverse, which is not something we've seen before.

And on a far more important scale, the arrival of the Skrulls in Captain Marvel and the implication that they're embedded into normal society (hence the punching an old lady bit) suggests we're getting a Secret Invasion storyline. There's no way that could play out over one movie only and hopefully that means the comic book event will be the basis for Phase 4.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.