Why Every Avengers 4 Fan Needs To See Ant-Man & The Wasp

4. It Answers "The Question"

Thanos Snap

According to one reviewer, the sequel offers some key information related to Infinity War...

Now, quite what "the Infinity War question" is is up for debate, because there are lots. Best guess would be "where were Ant-Man and The Wasp during Infinity War?" which would suggest that the answer is an important set-up for Avengers 4.

If it wasn't, there would be no reason for Ant-Man And The Wasp to be released AFTER Infinity War, after all. The fact is, Marvel protected a major spoiler by releasing it in the wake of Infinity War and at the same time they protected just how closely the sequel will be linked to that movie.

Let's hope where they were was another dimension...


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