Why Furiosa Just Flopped

7. The Cast Aren't Box Office Draws

Furiosa Anya-Taylor Joy
Warner Bros.

Even accepting that few actors are box office draws in of themselves these days outside of Tom Cruise and Leonardo DiCaprio, Furiosa absolutely suffered from its lack of star wattage.

Anya Taylor-Joy is certainly a popular actress, especially in online circles, yet hasn't played the lead role in a single live-action film that's grossed over $300 million worldwide. 

As for male lead Chris Hemsworth, his blockbuster career outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is largely littered with flops and underperformances, suggesting general audiences aren't much interested in him when he isn't playing Thor.

Compare this to the far higher star profiles of Fury Road's Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy, and the mainstream incentive to see Furiosa just wasn't there.

Again, actors matter less to box office now than they ever have, but even so, having a few A-listers with proven commercial track records never hurt any movie. And in that respect Furiosa was hugely lacking.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.