Why Michael Keaton's Batman Beyond Movie Needs To Happen
The DCEU needs a new full time Batman, and it should be Michael Keaton.
Warner Bros. has a genius new money-making idea: throw Batman into everything.
In a recent interview with The New York Times, the head of DC Films explained how the multiverse will allow movies to feature multiple versions of their biggest characters.
Now, we already know The Flash movie is kicking this off. This will introduce DC movie fans to the concept of multiple Earths, and already features at least two Batmen, in the form of Ben Affleck's caped crusader and Michael Keaton's Dark Knight.
What got fans losing their minds, though, was this quote in the NYT article: "Warner Bros. will have two different film sagas involving Batman — played by two different actors — running at the same time." Fans and journalists took this as a suggestion that WB will make more DCEU Batman movies after the Flash, alongside Pattinson's version.
Now, the writer has since said the intention of that quote wasn't to imply that this is definitely happening... but maybe it should anyway.
I mean, just think about it. Immediately after this part of the interview went viral, Twitter went into meltdown over one thing: Michael Keaton becoming the DCEU's Batman in a Batman Beyond movie - which is genius.
Having two Batmen might sound convoluted, but Batman Beyond is a perfect way to have two franchises that compliment each other.
Batman Beyond itself is set well into the future, with Bruce Wayne old and retired training up a new Batman in the form of Terry McGinnis.
It has a unique twist on the character we've never seen in live action, and its own distinct aesthetic, with neo-gotham being far more cyberpunky than the regular old 70s-styled Gotham the movies mostly reflect.
This in itself would justify having two separate franchises. They'd look and feel completely different: one focusing on a Batman at the end of his career and the other at the beginning. I mean, what's the alternative? You can't just have two series adapting the same Frank Miller graphic novels until they eat themselves.
Likewise, a Batman Beyond movie with Keaton would be an easy win with the fans. Just look at how it was immediately trending once the rumours started. There's a desire to see this storyline told on the big screen - it's easy money Warners is leaving on the table.
Also, if you've gone to the trouble of getting Big Mike back for one movie... surely you capitalise on that by locking him in for more? The fans love him, he's a great actor, and at 69 years old he's not far off Bruce's age in Batman Beyond itself.
The timing is perfect. Seeing an aged, retired Batman would work so much better because we've literally seen Keaton as a Batman in his prime, creating an emotional connection you wouldn't have casting someone else.
The age of the multiverse is here, and it's only a matter of time until Marvel or DC fully commits to producing two separate franchises with different versions of the same hero.
So why not start with this? Let R-Patz and Matt Reeves enjoy their Fincher-inspired take, and let someone else go nuts with a futuristic Batman Beyond.
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