Why Thanos Isn’t Dead
Thanos Wouldn't Have To Come Back As a Villain

Now, it's worth mentioning here that this potential reincarnation wouldn't necessarily have Thanos come back as a villain. Though he has exceedingly unusual morals, there are plenty of storylines where the Titan has done good, as strange as this may seem to many who saw him immortalised as an out-and-out villain.
In fact, the Avengers - and many other Marvel heroes - have seen themselves team up with the mother-murdering monster to defeat greater evils over the years. As such, there would be ways for Thanos to come back without it feeling like an absolute cop out. What better way to establish a big bad is dangerous than have the guy who literally destroyed half the universe feel the need to join the forces of good to stop them?
He may only appear for the briefest of moments, but it seems impossible that Marvel won't utilise the villain that garnered the biggest audience reaction another time. It likely won't be soon, as seeing him right now would just cheapen his death - but for a dramatic reveal a phase or two from now, there isn't much better than seeing the Mad Titan rise once more.
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