In the world of Hollywood economics, a lucrative franchise and a flagging former action hero career are mutually attractive forces of such power, they cant immolated in a ball of preposterous, CGI-fuelled knuckle dragging action. All of which will come with a ubiquitous advertising campaign, UFC and Mars bar based sponsorship deals and a multitude of gimmicks and spin-offs to deprive the weak minded of the few remaining pennies from the back of their wallet. It has been threatened for some time, of course, though more definitive statements have begun to be made by both writers and talent. It began last year when everyones favourite gruff vest-botherer,
Bruce Willis, announced
he intended to try and milk the last few drops of fiscal benefit from the long suffering
Die Hard series, and from his character John McClane, which
Skip Woods (Swordfish) was tasked with to script last year. Since then, of course, there have been a steady drip of details and speculation in the entertainment press and online.
Whats Playing suggested a possible return for the Gruber family- played thus far by Alan Rickman and Jeremy Irons, and an appearance from their sister- whom, in the world of John McClane, appear to have an inexhaustible well of evil siblings for the aforementioned super-cop to blow up. It doesnt stop there, however, as the verbose leading man has gone on to advocate ANOTHER film to complete the Die Hard series. He told Showbiz Spy:
In the next few years they could easily find a replacement for me or call the character someone else... But for me, I want to do Die Hard 5, then one final Die Hard movie Die Hard 6 before finally hanging that white vest up for good. At the moment, I can run and I can fight on screen. But there will come a time when I no longer want to do that. Thats when Ill step away from the Die Hard films.
The film is likely, once again to be directed by
Len Wiseman (Die Hard 4), with Alex Young as producer. The film is rumoured to be ready for release in 2012 but it will definitely have to film this year to meet that. There is no clue yet whether the Gruber family will be subjected to a fourth fatality in the final film, but if so, may we suggest the Grubers long suffering mother.