Nothing is sacred in Hollywood, with the exception of money; and it shouldnt, therefore, be a surprise when this is manifested in the most blunt terms when the latest cinematic classic is sacrificed upon the altar of rampant profiteering. And yet, each week new depths are plumbed, and offence taken instinctively by the few remaining screeds of sentimentality that modern society allows us. The most recent victim of this unrestrained barbarism is classic science fiction adaptation,
Logans Run. The 1976 film starred
Michael York and was directed by
Michael Anderson, and although it received a mixed response upon its release, it went on to be regarded among the finest of the dystopian sci-fi classics of its time alongside the likes of Farenheit 451 and The Omega Man, and is now considered to be the defining moment of the careers of York and Anderson. The new film project is being commissioned by Warner Bros (particularly vociferous proponents of the cult of remakes) rather than original makers MGM, who have brought in
Will Beall to write a fresh adaptation of the novel by William F. Nolan and George Clayson Johnson.

In what is a bit of talent sharing exercise... Beall, a former L.A. cop,
boards the project Bronson helmer
Nicolas Winding Refn has recently attached himself to direct
Ryan Gosling as the lead, whilst Gosling has recently entered talks for a major role in the
Will Beall scripted Tales From The Gangster Squad, also at WB! Beall also wrote a draft for Lethal Weapon 5 that is forever in development it seems. For Logan's Run - Gosling/Refn are the sort of talent that is sufficiently encouraging enough to suggest the outcome may not be an outright tragedy. Beall has been brought in to shape the script to suit Refn's vision for the movie, which was different to previous writer Alex Garland's. The film is set to begin principle photography in May this year for a release in 2012. No other key actors are confirmed.