Winona Ryder is Spock's mum?

Isn't 36 a little young to play Spock's human mother?

Winona Ryder has been cast in Star Trek. She will play Spock's mum, the human who is married to the vulcan Sarek and the mother of Mr. Spock, previously played in the Trek universe by Jayne Wyatt.

Winona Ryder

Ryder is 36 and has steadily found work in Hollywood over the last few years, just recently wrapping her part on the Brett Easton Ellis adaptation The Informers. Though this is no doubt the biggest film she has been in since her post-thief scandal but how many minutes on film she will get is another question. No word yet on who will play Sarek. Weird choice and again Ryder is so young for this part. Just how old are they going to be depicting Spock in her scenes anyway? Not to mention she can be a little wooden at times and has in the past struggled w Filming has already begun on the project and it didn't take IESB long to take some snaps of the extra's on sets. Smartly, J.J. Abrams has ordered his extra's to wear trenchcoats so you pretty much can't see at all what the new costumes look like. You can see those images HERE but you can't really see much. I would expect tons more to flood in now that filming is underway. Let's just hope they don't cast Keanu Reeves as Sarek!

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.