Wonder Woman Trailer 2: 10 Things You Probably Missed

5. Steve Trevor Gets His Action

Dr Poison Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

It has taken far too long to see Wonder Woman get her due on the big screen and whilst the film seems packed to the brim with strong female characters across the board, it wouldn't be hollywood if the leading man didn't get to kick some butt too.

We already knew that he'd get to take the battle to the skies as seen in the comic con trailer, but this new trailer shows Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) hurtling through a gloomy forest in pursuit of the bad guys. You don't get an actor with Chris Pine's action chops to simply render him as the damsel in distress of the film - after all, he is a seasoned soldier.

It will be great to see how his dynamic evolves with Wonder Woman over the course of the film and whether or not he has a big part to play in the final moments of the movie. I don't think he makes it out of this one guys.


Ben Holliday is a features writer and film critic for What Culture, Heroic Hollywood, Den of Geek and The London Economic. As an artist he has worked on various projects for Maverick Media, Bauer Media, Image Comics and Valiant Entertainment amongst others.