World War Z Trailer: 10 Reasons It Will Probably Suck and 1 Reason It Might Not

1. Too Many People To Please

As with most modern adaptations and remakes, from the trailer it looks as though World War Z is trying to please too many people at once; fans of the book, fans of the zombie genre both old and new, fans of the disaster movie and finally the studio execs and financiers, who are by all accounts fans only of making money. And did you ever hear the phrase "too many cooks spoil the broth?" What invariably happens when filmmakers try to please too many people is that they end up pleasing no one, which is the height of irony when you think about it. This broth feels like it's had far too many cooks to be as good as it wants to be - as it should be - and as a result, I can't help but feel that in getting excited, I'd be setting myself up for disappointment. All is not lost, however. Click "Next" for one final point, the one thing that might save World War Z from eventual movie obscurity.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.