Would Jon Favreau Direct Another Marvel Movie?
The Jungle Book director outlines exactly what it would take for him to make another.

With Jon Favreau shilling a huge blockbuster release at the same time as Captain America: Civil War is unleashed on cinemagoers, it's unsurprising that the promotional rounds saw him faced with a question or two regarding his status with Marvel Studios.
Having essentially created the MCU with the first Iron Man movie that birthed franchise star Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, Marvel owe a great debt to Favreau but outside of offering his creative help as Executive Producer, he has distanced himself from the studio since the unhappy time he had with the first Iron Man sequel.
But all wounds are healed with time and it appears Favreau would at least be keen to work on another Marvel movie again if the right project came together.
Speaking to IGN during the press rounds of The Jungle Book, Favreau outlined exactly what it would take for him to return;
A great story. I know the people over there. I like them. I still executive produce the Avengers series and I like what theyre doing a lot now, I do. By the same token I feel like Ive made my mark; whatever we did in those early days has continued and is in good hands with new filmmakers with fresh voices.
I just think how I fit in now might be different. Its 10 years later, and now Im more of an elder statesman. But we talk a lot about how I could be involved there and I exist both in front of and behind the camera in the Marvel universe, which puts me in a unique position which I enjoy.
Were always trying to figure out if theres a way for me to contribute beyond just being an executive producer there. I wouldnt be surprised if something pops up soon, but theres no one property that were identifying that Id want to helm up and shoulder. Because now that the universe has gotten so big over there, I dont know that I understand how it all fits together anymore. I was there in the early days when the universe was very small. Now the universe is very big there and they seem to have it well in hand.
The latter part of the quote probably being the most significant. One of Favreau's major issues with Iron Man 2 was over his lack of control on the story which had been taken away from him for Marvel's desire to use the sequel as a way to springboard to The Avengers.
With how complex the Marvel movies have become today, that kind of thing is part for the course with the modern MCU movie and has only got worse, not better, since he stopped making them.

Still, with Robert Downey Jr teasing the potential of an Iron Man 4 somewhere down the line, perhaps Marvel Studios should get him and Favreau in a room together and make something happen here?
Would you like to see Iron Man 4 with Jon Favreau? Or is there another Marvel production that Favreau could deliver for the studio? Or should he keep well away?