X-Force Movie: 10 Characters Who Must Be Included

2. Deadpool

deadpool This is just such a no-brainer. As much-maligned as X-Men Origins: Wolverine was, lots of praised was heaped on Ryan Reynolds€™ brief appearance as a pre-scarred Deadpool. Reynolds has been campaigning to play Deadpool for over a decade. If you don€™t know who the character is, he€™s known as the Merc With A Mouth because he€™s a mercenary who is always cracking wise (so basically, Reynolds if he were a mercenary). He€™s also got a healing factor and knows that he€™s just a fictional character appearing in a comic book, which either makes him the craziest or the sanest person in the Marvel Universe. A Liefeld creation who played a big part in those early issues of New Mutants/X-Force, Deadpool€™s already been popular in the comics. And that€™s translated to appearances in the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series and even a raucous and ridiculously amusing video game (even if it was a bit too short). But Fox is apparently really gun-shy about doing an R-rated superhero movie. So ease people into it. Reintroduce Deadpool to viewers through the X-Force movie. He shouldn€™t be a member of the team, but he should be something of a wild card, almost like a Jack Sparrow type of character. Maybe he starts off working for the villain, but later changes his tune (and a potential reason for that will be addressed shortly) and helps the heroes out. Whatever you have to do, get Reynolds back in the red and black. And for crying out loud, after he makes his appearance in X-Force, give him his spin-off already!

Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com