X-Men: Apocalypse - Predicting Who Lives And Who Dies

11. Moira MacTaggert


Why She Could Live: After sitting out Days Of Future Past, Rose Byrne€™s Moira was pretty much forgotten about. To bring her back now and then to kill her off just wouldn€™t make much sense. They may as well have just left her untouched and used another government type in her stead for Apocalypse.

But since she is included, it's worth considering that she potentiallygives Charles a way out at the end of the film. She could offer the type of life that Catwoman gave Batman in his retirement at the end of The Dark Knight Rises, providing a companion to leave with, and leaving the X-Men in someone else's hands.

Why She Could Die: Considering her close ties to Charles, her death could have a huge impact on his character's journey. It would give him a final obstacle to overcome and help him to understandthe grief that Magneto has always known.

Using her like a plot device to develop another character may not be the nicest way to handle the character, but it€™s hard to deny that it would be an effective method if that€™s where they wanted to take Charles with this finale.

Prediction: They didn€™t bring her back just to kill her off, she gets a happy ending.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.