X-Men: Days Of Future Past - 10 Questions Singer Failed To Answer

7. How Did Professor X And Magneto Unite?

It is a major annoyance that the film's long run time couldn't have accommodated some reference to how the great enemies united, instead of us merely having to accept that it was merely circumstances that drew them together. It would perhaps have been more fitting to see a flash-back or establishing sequence in the future timeline when Professor X rescued his old friend from annihilation and the pair were united by the emotion of the moment. Instead in the film we get a clipped, toothless Magneto in the future timeline who seems to have lost his defining anger, which makes no sense without an establishing moment. The question that hangs in the air throughout that timeline is how Magneto came round to Xavier's thinking even as his people were being wiped out, just as he predicted the humans would do. Without some sort of trigger, there's no reasoning to grip on to.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.