X-Men: Days Of Future Past - 25 Easter Eggs & References You Must See
9. The Lost Artefacts
After Magneto reveals his own plot to deal with the trigger for future events he breaks into a secret government unit to retrieve his helmet, and stop Professor X from being able to affect him. After taking out the three guards using a pair of large metal balls in typically cool fashion, he enters the chamber where his helmet is locked behind glass on display. When the camera pans wide on the scene it is revealed that the cases next to Magneto's helmet, which was presumably taken off him when he was imprisoned, house Havoc's damaged suit from First Class, and one of Angel's wings. The wing could have been recovered from the beach battle at the end of First Class, but Havoc's suit is more difficult to explain, since he's not dead, but it's obviously just a nod to the events of that movie.