1. The Graveyard Scene
One of the most poignant scenes in the Days of Future Past comic books was when Kitty Pryde was walking back to the internment camp in which she is forced to live, after having been out on "official Sentinal (sic) business". She highlights the fact that the first thing she always sees upon her return from such outings is the graveyard of super-powered individuals who have fallen victim to the Sentinels and mentions that there's always a fresh grave every time she passes. Including such a scene in the movie would be an effective way of showing some of the key characters who have been killed to illustrate just how serious the X-Men's situation is (by depicting their gravestones). It would also be an interesting way to include some cheeky Easter eggs, perhaps showing members of the Fantastic Four as dead in this future (like in the picture above) or even the names of some Marvel Cinematic Universe characters to start all kinds of rumours of a near-impossible franchise crossover in the future. Essentially, this sad and moving scene has to be filmed - and the fact that it will enable the keen-eyed Easter egg hunters to get their fix will be a nice little bonus. So there you have it; six additional scenes that should be filmed for X-Men: Days of Future Past, which is released next year. Do you agree with this list? Which other scenes from the comic book arc should be filmed for the movie? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on