Rumour: X-MEN: FIRST CLASS Trailer Description, Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellen Return?

Five days ago I wrote a piece suggesting that 20th Century Fox are leaving X-Men fans anxious by not showing off a glimpse of anything official for Matthew Vaughn's reboot that wrapped many weeks ago and is due in cinema's this June. A little while later I got a response from a Fox publicist telling me basically to hold tight because something was brewing. I responded, asking specifically when we might hear something, we refused to write back either on or off the record. Then, on Saturday, The Daily Blam reported that one of their readers had already seen a cut of the trailer and he goes into particular detail about what he saw. All sounds very exciting and plausible, so it's probably legit; - The trailer opens with the 20th Century Fox logo which pans up as the two spotlight beams cross and form a white €œX€ on the left of the screen. A white circle goes around the €œX€ forming the X-Men logo, as Magneto€™s helmet comes up on the right. - Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellan voice over the opening lines about destiny and which side will you stand for as scenes of each in their previous X-Men movie roles flash until the entire screen flashes from white to black. - A very young Xavier and Erik meet for the first time, followed by a different angle of the scene from the opening of X-Men in the concentration camp. - Camera pans outside of an old castle-style building that greatly resembles the X-mansion. McAvoy and Fassbender are seen walking through the halls. The words "One wanted peace" flash by Xavier. - Scene transitions to Erik yelling dramatically as metal tables in the room begin to float around him. Xavier and Mags shake hands with a tall man in a lab coat introduced as Dr. McCoy. - The words "The other was too far gone" flash as a very pissed off Erik storms through a hallway killing guards as he passes them. - Cut scene to what appears to be a red Nightcrawler with swords taking out a room full of people; the close up reveals Azazel's face. - The Hellfire Club stand next to Xavier on a bed as Emma goes into diamond form. Olver Platt and Kevin Bacon were next to Emma in black aristocratic clothes, with Emma wearing the exact same outfit from the Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon. - Mystigue on a bed with her skin turning black; Beast is shown transforming, with his feet growing and toes webbing and fur growing. - Havok shoots a red beam of energy -- looks almost exactly like cyclops's eye beam, but larger -- from his chest (SIDE NOTE: Havok's powers in comics have always had a blue energy, this change may be to relate his character to Cyclops). - It then shows Beast all blue and furry (looking almost exactly like Kelsey Grammer in make-up) in the pilot seat of a crashing jet, followed by several rockets flying towards an island. - Xavier's face goes all CGI and his head begins to go bald as he mentally pulls a large ship that was sinking out of the water, as well as some smaller boats around it (seems to allude to Xavier have telekinesis). - Back to Xavier (with hair) telling Erik he only wanted peace for him, and he replies there was never a chance for anyone to have that. - Final scene: Erik picks up a black helmet, then he is shown from behind wearing a black and red suit (no cape or coat though) and the helmet. Screen cuts to black and the X-Men: First Class logo shows up (the one described above), then the release date.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.