X-Men: Apocalypse - 10 Reasons It's Not As Bad As The Critics Are Saying

1. It Doesn't Kill The Franchise, It Leaves You Wanting More!

Apocaypse Villain
20th Century Fox

For some reason, a large majority of critics who sat down to X-Men: Apocalypse have since declared themselves to be done with the franchise, deeming the film a step too far; bad enough to have fully dissolved their interest.

Did we watch the same film?

I'd be the first to admit that the X-Men franchise is all over the place; a noticeably scattershot collection of films that range from being outright terrible to genuinely excellent. But did Apocalypse leave me feeling done with the franchise on the whole? No way! And it's not likely to have diehard fans or even general movie-goers falling out of favour with these characters, either, because here's a blockbuster that practically paves the way for more adventures.

Seriously. X-Men: Apocalypse finishes with all the main characters coming together, opening up tons of possibilities as far as future narratives are concerned. There's the growing romance between Cyclops and Jean Grey, Storm's integration into the group, not to mention the on-going friendship/rivalry between Charles and Erik...

I'm genuinely shocked that some critics felt that X-Men: Apocalypse was something to be abhorred, or marked a point at which the franchise had reached a creative dead-end. It might not be the best X-Men film ever, but it's still a fun, punchy blockbuster with a lot going for it.

I, for one, will await the next installment with the same levels of excitement as I did this chapter - whether the critics agree or not.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.